Kualifikasi Gelar

1Fundamental of Financial Planning
2Data Gathering Questionnaire & Risk Profiling
3Asset & Needs Calculation (In Islam)

4Shari'ah Methodology

5Framework of Islamic FP

6Personal Financial Ratio

7Cashflow Management
8Debt Management
9Emergency Fund
10Fundamental of Life Insurance
11Fundamental of General Insurance
12Split Dollar & Key Person Insurance

13Buy - Sell Agreement & Disability Income Insurance

14Shari'ah Insurance

15Mutual Fund
16Investment Product

17Stock Analysis

18Bond Analysis

19Simple Asset Allocation

20Financial Statement Analysis

21Portofolio Management

22Advance Product

23Forex & Future

24DPLK, DPPK, Jamsostek

25Investment Guideline and Shari'ah Products

26Syari'ah Contract

27Goal's Planning
28Education Planning
29Retirement Planning
30Fundamental Estate Planning Conventional

31Estate Planning - Wasiat

32Estate Planning - Perjanjian Pisah Harta

33Fara'id (Shari'ah Estate Planning)

34Zakat, Sodaqoh, Infaq, Wakaf


36Private Investment Company

37Tax Planning Level I

38Tax Planning Level II

39Plan Structure

40Plan Structure (Syariah)

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